Friday, August 14, 2009

Gravity helps

Is it possible that babies actually prefer to poop on a toilet rather than go in their diapers? When DS and I made it to the toilet in time for him to do a #2, he had a longer poo than normal. It seems that he could relax and let it all out, rather than be impeded by a wall of diaper. For peeing, DS definitely prefers to wait until I undo his diaper to let it flow. For pooping, allowing gravity to help the process while seated works for both DS and DH, who like other men spends an awful lot of time "in his office."

So we are trying out a new potty seat. DS was attracted to the colors and tried to grab the cup (which may not be standard for all potty seats), which promptly fell into the toilet (better than the time when his binky fell in -- ick). For us it's all about timing -- getting DS to the toilet before he does his business. I don't have the technique down quite like my co-blogger yet. Maybe we'll try the split or open-crotch pants that babies wear in China, though this article says that urban Chinese are favoring disposable diapers now over peeing in the street. I'm definitely not forcing DS to get on the potty every time he needs to poo, and right now his favorite place to go is his exersaucer (not diaper-free), which though again shows that gravity helps.

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